Sermon on Prayer of Agreement

The Sermon on Prayer of Agreement: Understanding and Applying Its Power

Prayer is an essential part of the Christian faith, and in the Bible, we see numerous accounts of individuals and groups praying for guidance, help, or healing. One type of prayer that is often overlooked is the prayer of agreement, which is mentioned in Matthew 18:19-20. Here, Jesus tells his disciples that if two or more people agree about anything they ask for in prayer, it will be done for them by his Father in heaven.

The prayer of agreement is a powerful tool that can help believers to experience breakthroughs in their lives. However, to fully understand and apply its power, we need to delve deeper into the meaning and context of this biblical principle.

Firstly, it`s important to note that the prayer of agreement is not a magic spell that automatically grants our wishes. Rather, it`s based on the scriptural principle of unity, which is a crucial aspect of Christian community. As the body of Christ, we are called to love and support one another, and the prayer of agreement is an excellent way to demonstrate this.

Furthermore, the prayer of agreement is not limited to physical, material needs. It can also be used for spiritual, emotional, and relational needs. For instance, two believers can pray for each other`s spiritual growth or the reconciliation of a broken relationship.

To effectively apply the power of the prayer of agreement, we need to ensure that our hearts are aligned with God`s will. We cannot pray for something that goes against God`s character or commandments and expect it to be granted. Therefore, we should pray for discernment and wisdom, seeking to understand God`s perfect will for our lives.

Another crucial aspect of the prayer of agreement is faith. We need to believe that God`s promises are true and that he is capable of answering our prayers. Our faith should be grounded in Scripture, and we should take comfort in knowing that God is faithful to his word.

Lastly, we should be persistent in our prayers. Even if we don`t see immediate results, we should continue to trust in God`s timing and plan for our lives. Our prayers may not always be answered in the way we want or expect, but we can trust that God knows what is best for us.

In conclusion, the prayer of agreement is a powerful tool that can help us experience breakthroughs in various areas of our lives. To effectively apply its power, we need to ensure that our hearts are aligned with God`s will, have faith, and be persistent in our prayers. As we pray together in agreement, we demonstrate the unity and love that Christ called us to, strengthening our community and glorifying God.

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